For this project, I designed a mock-up mailing poster for the Spoleto Music Festival 2022, focusing on the band Tank and The Bangas. The poster used a bold color palette of red, black, and white, along with tones and tints of each, and featured the Futura typeface. The 4-fold design aimed to engage recipients with dynamic duo-toned imagery and essential festival details such as dates, times, and locations. The goal was to create a modern, visually striking piece that highlighted the festival's vibrant atmosphere and Tank and The Bangas' energetic performance.
2023 Spoleto Music Festival Mailing Poster
Spoleto Festival 4 folding Mailing Poster that features Tank and The Bangas performance as well as the festival information. The final poster successfully encapsulated the Spoleto Music Festival 2022's spirit, emphasizing Tank and The Bangas as its focal point. Through bold colors, refined images, and clear fonts, the design was visually striking and engaging. Feedback praised its modern look and ability to capture attention, showcasing the festival's vibrancy and the excitement of Tank and The Bangas' performance. Overall, the poster effectively modernized tradition, representing the festival's atmosphere and the energy of its featured act.
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